During a panel moderated by ILA Director Mary Crane (far left), Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley (far right), Student Affairs Vice President Joy Moore, and Haub Vice President for Mission and Ministry Jack Butler, S.J.,讨论了太阳城网赌平台的优势和机会. (Lee Pellegrini)

Many key aspects of Boston College are undergirded by its Jesuit roots, especially its deep, long-term commitment to formative education. 为期两天的校园会议“形成性教育:绘制地形”," held on campus November 14 and 15, served as the first-ever gathering for the multiple, and frequently collaborative, 为整个大学的形成做出贡献,目标是整合这些努力, 被认为是巩固大学在该领域领导地位的关键一步.

由林奇教育与人类发展学院Dennis Shirley教授和Cristiano Casalini副教授主办, 由林奇学院和不列颠哥伦比亚省文科学院共同主办, 林奇学院院长斯坦顿·沃瑟姆宣布在加森大厅召开会议, 哪所学校把教育整个孩子作为其教育方法的区别原则.

“不列颠哥伦比亚省对形成性教育的承诺之所以如此独特,是因为它已经发展得很好,有一系列专注于形成性的活动和项目, 以及在过去20年里不断发展的跨校园协同效应,” said Wortham, the Charles F. Donovan, S.J., dean.  “我们现在有机会抓住这一历史时刻,将教育重新聚焦于更广泛的生活维度,而不是一味地追求内容知识.”

The day’s first panel—“Formative Education at Boston College,” moderated by ILA Director Mary Crane, with Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley, Student Affairs Vice President Joy Moore, and Jack Butler, S.J., 负责宣教和事工的副校长将各大学的领导聚集在一起,考虑在BC成立, and how it could be improved.  

“We need to bring student voices to this discussion,” said Moore.  “They have come to BC with a commitment to formative education; they’ve bought in, too.  我们应该寻求一切机会,创造更多与学生对话的机会, to engage with them to help them build mind, body, and spirit, and to assist them in becoming strong self-advocates.”

不列颠哥伦比亚省对形成性教育的承诺之所以如此独特,是因为它已经发展得很好的活动和项目集中在形成上, 以及在过去20年里不断发展的跨校园协同效应. 我们现在有机会抓住这一历史时刻,将教育的重点重新放在更广泛的生活维度上,而不是一味追求内容知识.
Stanton Wortham, , Charles F. Donovan, S.J., Dean, Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Fr. 巴特勒强调了在不列颠哥伦比亚省普遍定义形成性教育的重要性, and reminded the audience that “formation is the job of students, while BC’s role is to facilitate it,” often through the creation of “labs” for soft-skill development.

他还指出了一个清醒的现实,即形成性教育核心的耶稣会遗产需要“通过我们的学生和教师继续存在”, since there are so few Jesuits left” to carry it forward.

奎格利说,BC需要加强其持续的承诺,有意整合反映耶稣会传统的资源和文科教育, 以席勒综合科学与社会太阳城官网所和MCI Shirley最近启动的监狱教育项目为例,作为这种忠诚的主要例子.

The day’s second panel, “Focusing on Undergraduate and Graduate Formation,” was moderated by Meghan Sweeney, 他是神学系的实践副教授,也是服务学习PULSE项目的库尼家族主任.  Joining her were Amy LaCombe, the associate dean for undergraduate curriculum at the Carroll School of Management; Center for Student Formation Executive Director Mike Sacco; and Filippa Anzalone, 不列颠哥伦比亚省法学院图书馆和技术服务教授兼副院长.  Serving as the respondent was Burt Howell, executive director of Intersections, 这是一个帮助教职员工探索太阳城网赌平台耶稣会和天主教使命的项目.

The purpose of formative education is “not a cookie-cutter” process, Sacco declared, 而是帮助学生“倾听自己真实的声音”,并“养成反思的习惯”.他还强调了“雕刻出结构化的空间和模型来审视他们的生活”的重要性, and then recalibrate” as needed, 并注意到缺乏可供组织形成活动的公共校园场地.

Boston College deans panel

Morrissey College Dean Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., School of Social Work Dean Gautam Yadama, Lynch School Donovan Dean Stanton Wortham, School of Theology and Ministry Dean Thomas Stegman, S.J., 康奈尔护理学院院长苏珊·詹纳罗讨论了太阳城网赌平台形成性教育的下一步. (Peter Julian)

其他活动包括放映由大学传播办公室制作的两个视频,这些视频直观地展示了不列颠哥伦比亚省在形成性教育方面的领导地位, and an evening lecture by James Arthur, 英国伯明翰大学教育学院朱比利品格与美德中心主任.

Day two of the conference featured two panels, a roundtable, and a presentation by Michelle Dillon, 他是新罕布什尔大学文科学院院长和社会学教授, and author of Postsecular Catholicism: Relevance and Renewal.

The morning panel, “Historical, Theological, and Philosophical Perspectives on Formation,” moderated by School of Theology and Ministry Professor Thomas Groome, 包括哲学系副教授杰弗里·布洛克尔和实践系副教授玛丽·特罗克斯尔, and Christopher Higgins, an associate professor in the Lynch School’s Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum & Instruction department.

The afternoon panel, “Formation Today: Mapping the Terrain,” was moderated by Scott Seider, a Lynch School associate professor of Applied Developmental & Educational Psychology.  加入他的还有博伊西大学教育、公共政策和教育太阳城官网教授亨利·布劳恩, STM Associate Professor of the Practice Theresa O’Keefe, and Larry Ludlow, professor and chair of the Lynch School’s Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics & Assessment department.

Concluding the conference was a discussion of “The Future of Formation; Our Next Steps,由莫里西艺术与科学学院院长格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔主持, S.J. 讨论者包括Wortham和康奈尔护理学院的院长Susan Gennaro, Gautam Yadama of the School of Social Work, and Thomas Stegman, S.J., of the School of Theology and Ministry.

Fr. 卡尔舍尔说:“持续的师资队伍建设对于维持我们学生的形成性教育是必要的,和“教师也必须努力融合”,如果BC的形成性教育倡议在未来蓬勃发展.  

Wortham said BC is in a “position of strength,” given the “enormous number of formation activities already underway,,但他指出,大学必须利用校园内的“协同效应”, “如果我们希望改善我们正在做的事情,就应该更好地进行联系。.” 

Phil Gloudemans | University Communications