Frank Curran摄影

When Maria “Christie” Louis ’24 received the 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. 奖学金, she acknowledged her family in Haiti and emphasized that the honor was not just for her, 但对他们来说. “我站在家乡人们的肩膀上. 我抱着他们,带着他们.”

来自太子港的第一代大学生, Louis moved to Boston as a young child and now resides in Wrentham, 质量. Her parents, brother, and best friends were in attendance when University President William P. 莱希,年代.J., announced her award at the 41st annual scholarship banquet on February 21.

The scholarship recognizes a 太阳城网赌平台 junior who has demonstrated  superior academic achievement, 课外的领导, 社区服务, and involvement with the African American community and African American issues. 活动组织者说,路易斯“从约翰博士身上找到了灵感. King’s assertion that ‘Freedom is never freely given by the oppressor but must be demanded from the oppressed,’ and describes this quote as a catalyst for the rest of her future.”

"MLK's legacy reminds me that the fight against injustice is mine and that taking it up is a necessity for ensuring that Black people, 特别是黑人母亲, 得到应有的公正和资源吗."

“Winning this award has meant absolutely everything to me and my family,路易斯在她的获奖感言中说道. “I do not take this award as my own; it's for all my family that is back in Haiti and it serves as a reminder to the incredible responsibility I have to them and to my community to become the change.

“同样, MLK's legacy reminds me that the fight against injustice is mine and that taking it up is a necessity for ensuring that Black people, 特别是黑人母亲, 得到应有的公正和资源吗,路易斯补充道.

Passionate about racial justice issues with an emphasis on maternal health for Black mothers in the United States and Haiti, 路易斯今年夏天将在TeamBirth工作, 一个致力于有色人种女性安全生育计划的非营利组织.

In her speech, she cited both the higher childbirth mortality in the U.S. 与白人母亲相比, and that “Haiti’s maternal mortality rate remains the highest of any country in the Western hemisphere.”

Louis hopes to be a change agent through her volunteer and professional pursuits. With a double major in biology and African and African Diaspora Studies and a minor in 全球 Public Health and the Common Good, her long-term goal is to become an obstetrician to serve primarily BIPOC in low-socioeconomic communities.

 “I intend to be the one who does everything in my power to change the system,” Louis said. “I’ve dedicated all my service work and my career aspirations towards achieving this vision.”


克里斯蒂路易 with 《太阳城网赌平台》导演罗珊娜·孔特雷拉斯-戈弗雷 at the scholarship event. Contreras-Godfrey is among BC administrators Louis says have helped shape her undergraduate experience.

在其他课外活动中, 路易斯担任海地协会活动协调员, AHANA+核心会议协调员, 以及黑人妇女问题撤退的联合领导人. 她还在Rosie 's Place做志愿者.

“克里斯蒂属于她自己的领导范畴, 凯蒂·道尔顿说, 她是不列颠哥伦比亚省妇女中心主任, 路易是那里的学生教职员. "She combines her intense passion for advocating for those who are marginalized in our society, 尤其是女性和有色人种, with an approachableness that welcomes others into conversation about difficult issues.”

Louis cited Dalton as among BC administrators who have helped shape her undergraduate experience and said she is honored to work in the office, 它旨在为女性创造一个包容的校园空间. Others she named include Academic Advising Center Assistant Director Helen Ha, 《太阳城网赌平台》导演罗珊娜·孔特雷拉斯-戈弗雷, 和大学咨询服务的Donicka小册子.

In addition to her family, Louis thanked the Martin Luther King, Jr. 奖学金入围者——凯莉·阿祖, Srina带子, Osasenaga欧文斯, 和Ashley-Rae stewart -感谢他们的支持.

The evening included a keynote speech by Institute for the Study of Race and Culture Director Alex Pieterse, a faculty member in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development.

来看看2023年马丁·路德·金奖的其他决赛选手吧. 奖学金:

Kaylee Arzu,布朗克斯,纽约

Major: International Studies major; minors in marketing and African and African Diaspora Studies

Arzu是F上的一个台阶.I.S.T.年代的团队, 黑人学生论坛司库, 旁观者计划的培训师, 还有一名住宿助理. She has initiated creative projects in service to the AHANA community and for a research project, 采访了摄影师Matthieu-Armara diamond. Arzu的灵感来自于Dr. King’s emphasis of “the role of the arts in the Civil Rights movement to encourage, 隆起, 并激励自己和身边其他改变世界的人.” After graduation, she hopes to continue to foster community among Black creatives, and “隆起 Dr. 为国王的理想和原汁原味铺平了道路, 黑人的经历通过我的镜头被看到和认可.”

Srina带子, 马里兰州弗雷德里克.
专业:政治学, African and African Diaspora Studies; minor in film; Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program member

莱切特是AHANA+领导委员会成员,也是F级.I.S.T.年代的团队 co-captain and stepper, and Haitian Association AHANA+ caucus representative. 她在AADS办公室和妇女中心工作, 并担任黑人妇女问题撤退的共同领导人. 她受到了博士的启发. King对故事的运用以及他的“心爱的社区”概念. Lacet hopes to pursue both legal and film studies after graduation, through which she will continue her passion for social justice and politics. 

Major: Business Management; Accounting for Financing and Consulting concentration

非洲学生组织副主席, Owens is a member of BC’s Men’s Club soccer team and volunteers as an assistant varsity soccer coach at his alma mater, 太阳城网赌平台高中. 怀着创造更大的教育公平的热情, 他在追求这一理想的过程中受到了金博士的启发. After graduation he hopes to work at Deloitte Services LP, where he has done summer internships. 在他的职业生涯中, Owens hopes to “combat the knowledge gap between Black and white students through community engagement with my corporate firm.” 

Ashley-Rae Stewart,纽约霍利斯
Major: Sociology; minor in finance

斯图尔特曾担任住宿助理, a Management Leadership for Tomorrow Career Prep campus ambassador, 北汽形象大使, 加勒比文化俱乐部秘书, 也是松树庄园学生成功学院的教练.  她写了一本关于欺凌的儿童读物, 我从未想要的朋友这笔钱捐给了学校和教堂. She helped to launch the Carroll School of Management’s Diversity in Business Education Series and participated in the 社区 Advocacy and 太阳城官网 Engagement seminar. Interested in banking but discouraged by the underrepresentation of women of color, 她受到了博士的启发. King exhorting others to become molders rather than searchers of consensus. 斯图尔特毕业后将在银行工作, 并希望能激励和指导其他有色人种.

Rosanne Pellegrini |大学传播| 2023年3月